Friday, May 9, 2008

Leaving Now For Reals

I'm really leaving now. I have run out of things to procrastinate about. I couldn’t find the keys to my motorcycle, but then I found them in my pocket. When I ran out of good reasons to delay, I started looking for the second set of keys to the motorcycle and vowed not to leave until I found them. Now I’m out of reasons and if I wait any longer I’m going to be dodging deer in the mountains tonight.

Thanks to my New Wife for being supportive and thanks to all my employees who make it possible for me to take time off to do this. And thanks to my family because if I don’t say that, now that I’ve thanked all these other people, they’d get pissy about not being thanked although they didn’t’ really do anything. My mom’s biggest claim to fame is that she “did not step on me in my crib”. She says this so often I feel like she’s looking for props. Thanks for not killing me in my sleep Mom! OOOPS! I just realized I blogging is a new way to procrastinate. The problem with procrastination is, once you realize it, if you keep doing it, then you are just being an a-hole.

Let’s go Leigh. Load up Scarlet. Sorry about having to do this.

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